SessionPool Object


This object is an extension to the DB API.

SessionPool.acquire(user=None, password=None, cclass=None, purity=cx_Oracle.ATTR_PURITY_DEFAULT, tag=None, matchanytag=False, shardingkey=[], supershardingkey=[])

Acquire a connection from the session pool and return a connection object.

If the pool is homogeneous, the user and password parameters cannot be specified. If they are, an exception will be raised.

The cclass parameter, if specified, should be a string corresponding to the connection class for database resident connection pooling (DRCP).

The purity parameter is expected to be one of ATTR_PURITY_NEW, ATTR_PURITY_SELF, or ATTR_PURITY_DEFAULT.

The tag parameter, if specified, is expected to be a string with name=value pairs like “k1=v1;k2=v2” and will limit the sessions that can be returned from a session pool unless the matchanytag parameter is set to True. In that case sessions with the specified tag will be preferred over others, but if no such sessions are available a session with a different tag may be returned instead. In any case, untagged sessions will always be returned if no sessions with the specified tag are available. Sessions are tagged when they are released back to the pool.

The shardingkey and supershardingkey parameters, if specified, are expected to be a sequence of values which will be used to identify the database shard to connect to. Currently only strings are supported for the key values.


This read-only attribute returns the number of sessions currently acquired.


Close the session pool now, rather than when the last reference to it is released, which makes it unsable for further work.

If any connections have been acquired and not released back to the pool this method will fail unless the force parameter is set to True.


Drop the connection from the pool which is useful if the connection is no longer usable (such as when the session is killed).


This read-only attribute returns the TNS entry of the database to which a connection has been established.


This read-write boolean attribute indicates whether the pool is considered homogeneous or not. If the pool is not homogeneous different authentication can be used for each connection acquired from the pool.


This read-only attribute returns the number of sessions that will be established when additional sessions need to be created.


This read-only attribute returns the maximum number of sessions that the session pool can control.


This read-write attribute returns the maximum length of time (in seconds) that a pooled session may exist. Sessions that are in use will not be closed. They become candidates for termination only when they are released back to the pool and have existed for longer than max_lifetime_session seconds. Note that termination only occurs when the pool is accessed. A value of 0 means that there is no maximum length of time that a pooled session may exist. This attribute is only available in Oracle Database 12.1.

New in version 5.3.


This read-only attribute returns the number of sessions with which the session pool was created and the minimum number of sessions that will be controlled by the session pool.

This read-only attribute returns the name assigned to the session pool by Oracle.


This read-only attribute returns the number of sessions currently opened by the session pool.

SessionPool.release(connection, tag=None)

Release the connection back to the pool now, rather than whenever __del__ is called. The connection will be unusable from this point forward; an Error exception will be raised if any operation is attempted with the connection. Any cursors or LOBs created by the connection will also be marked unusable and an Error exception will be raised if any operation is attempted with them.

Internally, references to the connection are held by cursor objects, LOB objects, etc. Once all of these references are released, the connection itself will be released back to the pool automatically. Either control references to these related objects carefully or explicitly release connections back to the pool in order to ensure sufficient resources are available.

If the tag is not None, it is expected to be a string with name=value pairs like “k1=v1;k2=v2” and will override the value in the property Connection.tag. If either Connection.tag or the tag parameter are not None, the connection will be retagged when it is released back to the pool.


This read-write attribute specifies the size of the statement cache that will be used as the starting point for any connections that are created by the session pool. Once created, the connection’s statement cache size can only be changed by setting the stmtcachesize attribute on the connection itself.

New in version 6.0.


This read-write attribute specifies the time (in seconds) after which idle sessions will be terminated in order to maintain an optimum number of open sessions. Note that termination only occurs when the pool is accessed. A value of 0 means that no idle sessions are terminated.


This read-only attribute returns the TNS entry of the database to which a connection has been established.


This read-only attribute returns the name of the user which established the connection to the database.


This read-write attribute specifies the time (in milliseconds) that the caller should wait for a session to become available in the pool before returning with an error. This value is only used if the getmode parameter to cx_Oracle.SessionPool() was the value cx_Oracle.SPOOL_ATTRVAL_TIMEDWAIT.

New in version 6.4.