Tracing SQL and PL/SQL Statements

Subclass Connections

Subclassing enables applications to add “hooks” for connection and statement execution. This can be used to alter, or log, connection and execution parameters, and to extend cx_Oracle functionality.

The example below demonstrates subclassing a connection to log SQL execution to a file. This example also shows how connection credentials can be embedded in the custom subclass, so application code does not need to supply them.

class Connection(cx_Oracle.Connection):
    log_file_name = "log.txt"

    def __init__(self):
        connect_string = "hr/"
        self._log("Connect to the database")
        return super(Connection, self).__init__(connect_string)

    def _log(self, message):
        with open(self.log_file_name, "a") as f:
            print(message, file=f)

    def execute(self, sql, parameters):
        cursor = self.cursor()
            return cursor.execute(sql, parameters)
        except cx_Oracle.Error as e:
            error_obj, = e.args

connection = Connection()
        select department_name
        from departments
        where department_id = :id""", dict(id=270))

The messages logged in log.txt are:

Connect to the database

            select department_name
            from departments
            where department_id = :id

If an error occurs, perhaps due to a missing table, the log file would contain instead:

Connect to the database

            select department_name
            from departments
            where department_id = :id
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

In production applications be careful not to log sensitive information.

See for an example.

Oracle Database End-to-End Tracing

Oracle Database End-to-end application tracing simplifies diagnosing application code flow and performance problems in multi-tier or multi-user environments.

The connection attributes, client_identifier, clientinfo, dbop, module and action, set the metadata for end-to-end tracing. You can use data dictionary and V$ views to monitor tracing or use other application tracing utilities.

The attributes are sent to the database when the next round-trip to the database occurs, for example when the next SQL statement is executed.

The attribute values will remain set in connections released back to connection pools. When the application re-acquires a connection from the pool it should initialize the values to a desired state before using that connection.

The example below shows setting the action, module and client identifier attributes on the connection object:

# Set the tracing metadata
connection.client_identifier = "pythonuser"
connection.action = "Query Session tracing parameters"
connection.module = "End-to-end Demo"

for row in cursor.execute("""
        SELECT username, client_identifier, module, action
        WHERE username = 'SYSTEM'"""):

The output will be:

('SYSTEM', 'pythonuser', 'End-to-end Demo', 'Query Session tracing parameters')

The values can also be manually set as shown by calling DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO procedures or DBMS_SESSION.SET_IDENTIFIER. These incur round-trips to the database, however, reducing scalability.

    DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.set_module('End-to-End Demo');
    DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.set_action(action_name => 'Query Session tracing parameters');

Low Level SQL Tracing in cx_Oracle

cx_Oracle is implemented using the ODPI-C wrapper on top of the Oracle Client libraries. The ODPI-C tracing capability can be used to log executed cx_Oracle statements to the standard error stream. Before executing Python, set the environment variable DPI_DEBUG_LEVEL to 16.

At a Windows command prompt, this could be done with:


On Linux, you might use:


After setting the variable, run the Python Script, for example on Linux:

python 2> log.txt

For an application that does a single query, the log file might contain a tracing line consisting of the prefix ‘ODPI’, a thread identifier, a timestamp, and the SQL statement executed:

ODPI [26188] 2019-03-26 09:09:03.909: ODPI-C 3.1.1
ODPI [26188] 2019-03-26 09:09:03.909: debugging messages initialized at level 16
ODPI [26188] 2019-03-26 09:09:09.917: SQL SELECT * FROM jobss
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 14, in <module>
  cursor.execute("select * from jobss")
cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

See ODPI-C Debugging for documentation on DPI_DEBUG_LEVEL.